ACG 2071 Tutoring Bundles

Bridge the gaps between Financial and Managerial accounting with the only online course tailored to UCF students... like you.

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Benefits of Tutoring

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Our goal is to get you
here -->

Here's how tutoring helps.

Personalized Learning 

We know asking questions in class - that is, if you even have a lecture (*cough* REAL classes) - can be tough.

Our tutors put you at the center, adapting each lesson to your unique needs and learning pace.

This means faster understanding, less frustration, and more confidence when it comes to test day.

Specific Knowledge

Remember, our tutors have been through your exact class.

They know the best ways to study, where you're likely to trip up, and much more because they've done it.

With Accuity, you can be sure you're getting the most targeted approach to acing your class.

Understanding vs. Memorizing

Our tutors all place an emphasis on making sure you understand WHY you're doing a process or calculation, not just the steps needed to do it.

This will set you up for your next class, first internship or job, and beyond.


We all say that we're going to study weeks in advance.

Fast-forward to reality, your exam is in 6 hours and you're out of Red Bull.

Meeting with a tutor weekly to make sure you're where you need to be avoids this potential car crash, and your sleep will thank you.

Should I do 4 or 5 sessions?

20% vs 30% off

Signing up for the 4 session plan saves you 20% off each hour of tutoring, while the 5 hour session saves you 30%. 

We actually lose money on the 5 session plan, but let's keep that between us...

Sessions Per Week

With each plan, you get about one private session per week up until your exam.

With the 5 session plan, you'll also get an extra session to prep before your exam.

Slot Availability

Due to scheduling concerns, we have more spots open for the
4 session plan.

The 5 session plans tend to fill up fast, so you may find availability in the 4 session bundle if its full.

What's included in the course?

Chapter Reviews

Take things one chapter at a time with our chapter reviews that simplify even the toughest concepts.

Students say it's like having your own personal professor - except this one you can re-wind

Pair it with our PDF worksheet to work out the problems with us!

Homework Videos

Say goodbye to guessing on your homework problems - and say hello to actually learning the material.

We break down your exact assignments, but with fresh names and numbers. Boo, we don't just give you the answers?

You'll thank us on exam day, don't worry. 

Exam Reviews

Wouldn't it be great to walk in on exam day with confidence?

Our students do.

Accuity's Exam Review is the reason why - it's like a final cram session without the armpit sweat.

A 2+ hour video review with everything you need, and a Mock Exam to get you even more confident.

Printed Exam Packet

Imagine all the notes, practice problems, formulas, study tips, and more that you need for your big test.

Then imagine someone hands that to you...
which they will when you pick up your packet from The Spot.

Our Printed Exam Packet pairs with our Exam Reviews, and we've worked hard to make it so you can pick it up on campus.

Swing by UCF's on-campus print shop, The Spot, to get yours today!
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Meet Your Instructor

Mikey Brown

Hi everyone!

I'm Mikey Brown, and I've been tutoring accounting for
20+ semesters. I've done a lot of this stuff.

Because of that experience, you'll know that the information in this course will be presented in it's simplest form - making it easy to understand.

I'll see you in the course, and enjoy Accuity!